Marketta: From Retail to the Medical Field

Prior to Generation, Marketta worked in retail for over 10 years. She describes the experience as “draining” and once she had her first son, Jayce, she decided to be a stay-at-home home parent while her husband was deployed. But soon, she was looking to return to workforce.

Finding Your Way Back to Work

“You always know when you want more,” she said. Being down to a one-income household, Marketta knew she needed to find a sustainable career and was referred to Generation by her cousin. “Now that we have a son, I really want to be someone my son can be proud of.”

Marketta applied to Generation’s Administrative Medical Assistant program and was accepted into the cohort.

Through the program, Marketta was able to develop technical skills, explore mindset and behavioral tactics when transitioning to a new career and join a community of fellow learners. She gained her Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA) certification and is now working full time as a Certified Administrative Medical Assistant in this new industry.

“Once you come into this program, they want to see you win as much as you want to see you win,” Marketta said. Before Generation, her work left her feeling depleted. Now, she says her career makes her feel “energized.”